Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Prayer for the New Year

At the beginning of 2009.

O Lord,


We know that for You a day is as a thousand years.


But we are weak and small and limited

and we divide and mark our times

to help us order our steps

and to help us remember.


Help us to regard each new year,



and day

as a time of renewal,

and repair,

and reconciliation.


Help us to remember

that seasons

are important to life and growth.

Help us to understand

that pain

is not the same as harm.


Help us to seek

long-term healing

over short-term comfort.


Help us to pray

not to receive what we desire,

but to grow closer to–and more like–You,

and ultimately so that You Yourself

will be our desire.


Help us to take

our clay pots,

and torches,

and trumpets,

and declare that we are for You.


In the Name of the One

who renews,

and repairs,

and reconciles us,



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